Month: January 2023

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Don’t Let a Torn ACL Put Your MMA Dreams on Hold: A blog about ACL injuries, how to treat them, and what you should expect

ACL injuries are one of the most common injuries in sports. They usually happen during a sudden change of direction and occur when the knee travels beyond its normal range of motion. An ACL tear can be very painful, but it can also be easy to treat if you get medical attention right away.

Here’s what you should know about torn ACLs:

What is an ACL?

The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the major ligaments in the knee joint. The ACL, as it’s commonly known, is responsible for stabilizing the knee joint and preventing excessive forward movement.

It’s important to note that not all ligaments are fully formed at birth, which means that some people will develop an ACL tear later in life as they age.

The complex structure and function of this ligament make it vulnerable to injury from a variety of sports and activities — not just mixed martial arts (MMA).

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How do you injure your ACL?

  • It’s important to know the many ways you can injure your ACL.
  • A sudden change in direction
  • A blow to the knee
  • A twist
  • When the leg is extended
  • When the foot is planted, and you pivot on your leg (like when you are walking) or push off with your foot (like when running) 

This action puts stress on both ligaments that hold together the bones in your knee joint: The anterior cruciate ligament, which runs along the front of your thigh bone and connects it to one of two bones in your bottom leg; and medial collateral ligament (MCL), which runs along each side of that same thigh bone.  Both these ligaments help keep movement stable in those two joints. If they are torn or damaged by trauma—such as a fall—it may result in pain when moving around or playing sports. Torn ACLs are a very common injury in sports of all kinds, not just martial arts.

What are the symptoms of an ACL injury?

Symptoms of an ACL injury include:

  • Pain in the knee joint
  • Swelling of the knee joint
  • Instability of the leg (the injured leg feels loose or unstable)
  • Weakness when walking, running, or jumping; giving way while exercising; not being able to walk comfortably due to pain and instability; locking, catching, or grinding of the knee joint that can be felt during movement. You may hear a popping sound at the time of injury.

Some people with ACL injuries have no symptoms other than weakness in their injured leg.

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How do you treat an ACL injury?

With surgery, doctors use an arthroscope to examine the knee and make sure there isn’t any cartilage damage. Then they remove all or part of the torn ACL and replace it with a tendon from another part of your leg. The procedure can take between 90 minutes and 4 hours depending on how much damage was done to the ligament.

There are several ways you can treat an ACL injury without surgery:

  • Physical therapy – if you don’t want your knee joint replaced with a synthetic material such as a patellar tendon graft, physical therapy might be right for you.
  • Rehabbing from an ACL injury – rehabbing after an ACL surgery usually takes 6 months or more; however, some people can resume activity within three months with good results (for example: walking).
  • Knee braces are worn around the thigh and knee joint to provide support, compression, and warmth. They can help reduce pain while providing stability during activity. The best way to treat an ACL injury without surgery is by using a knee brace alongside basic rehabilitation.

If you want to be an MMA fighter, you need to get your body in shape, and there’s no reason you can’t do that, even with a torn ACL.

If you want to be an MMA fighter, you need to get your body in shape, and there’s no reason you can’t do that, even with a torn ACL. You can still do strength training while recovering from a torn ACL and most people feel better when they’re working out their muscles regularly. Exercises like squats and lunges are fine for those recovering from an injury, as long as the intensity isn’t too high (don’t push yourself until it hurts).

If you want to reduce the chance of injuring your knee again, there are several things that you can do:

  • Wear proper footwear when running or participating in other activities where your feet may be exposed to impact.
  • Wear compression sleeves and knee braces to reduce stress on your knees.
  • Do not wear footwear that does not fit properly—the shoes should at least cover the heel of the foot completely.
  • When going downstairs or stairs of any type; always hold onto something if possible so there is less downward force exerted on both knees at once.

I hope that, after reading this blog post, you feel more confident about your ability to recover from an ACL injury. I know it can be scary to think about what it means for your future if you tear your ACL, but if you take the right precautions and get the right treatment, then there’s no reason why your MMA career shouldn’t continue as planned. The most important thing is that you have a game plan in place before any injury happens so that when bad luck hits there’s someone at hand who knows exactly how they’re going to help.

Contact us today to find out how Combat Sports Insurance can cover you in the event of an injury.

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Risks and Benefits of Martial Arts Training

Martial arts are a great way to stay fit, learn self-defense, and increase your overall discipline. But they’re not without their risks. You may be injured by an improperly executed technique or face other dangers on the mats if you’re not careful. So how can you keep yourself safe while practicing martial arts? Read on for our guide to the benefits and risks of martial arts training so you can make an informed decision about whether this is something that’s right for you (or your child).

The Benefits and Risks of Martial Arts Training

Martial arts training provides a variety of benefits, including increasing fitness, building self-defence skills, improving confidence and discipline and more. With the popularity of martial arts at an all-time high, it’s no wonder many people are considering taking one up as part of their workout routine.

However, before you sign up for your first class or sign over your credit card information, it’s important to know about the risks associated with martial arts training.

This article will outline some of these risks so that you can make an informed decision about whether this activity is right for you.

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Physical Benefits

As you might expect, martial arts training can produce many positive physical effects. These include:

  • Increased strength, stamina, and flexibility
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved endurance and recovery
  • Self-defence ability

Mental Benefits

Martial arts training can also have various mental benefits, such as:

  • Martial arts training helps improve self-confidence
  • Martial arts improves social skills and integration
  • Martial arts helps build discipline and respect
  • Martial arts builds confidence to deal with bullies
  • Martial arts helps you learn to be a good leader
  • Martial arts can also help you deal with stress
  • Martial arts teaches you to be a good leader by helping you become more confident and disciplined.
  • Martial arts can also help you feel more comfortable with yourself, and it is an excellent way to learn self-defense.
  • Martial arts will also help you build a strong body and mind, which is important for anyone who wants to be successful in life.

Risks of Martial Arts Training

Martial arts training can be dangerous. Injuries are common, and serious injuries are possible. Injuries can include those that are life threatening, cause permanent damage, involve surgery, or require hospitalization for a long period of time. These types of injuries can result in very expensive medical bills and may also mean lost wages if you miss work because of your injury or illness.

In addition to the risk of physical injury, there is liability if a student causes an injury to another person while they are training in your school or organization. This could be intentional (e.g., punching someone) or accidental (e.g., falling). Liability also exists when equipment breaks during class and injures students or teachers who use it regularly during training sessions. Contact us to find out more about liability in martial arts training and how to cover yourself.

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How to Reduce the Risk of Injury

  • There are a few things you can do to help reduce the risk of injury.
  • First, find an instructor that is qualified and experienced in martial arts.
  • Second, consider participating in a program at a moderate but challenging pace.
  • If an exercise causes pain, do not continue doing it until the pain stops or consult with your instructor before continuing with your training session.
  • Do not start a new exercise program without getting advice from a qualified professional (e.g., physician, physical therapist).
  • Lastly, make sure to wear proper gear and protective equipment for each martial art you participate in – this includes headgear, shin guards and mouthguards for contact sports like Muay Thai, Kick Boxing & MMA!

If you have been injured while training in martial arts seek medical treatment immediately! Whether your injury occurred during competition or practice remember that we here at Combat Sports Insurance are always here to help ensure that all aspects of your sport are covered under your insurance policy.

If you have any questions about our policies or would like to get a quote, please contact us today.

As you can see, there are both benefits and risks of martial arts training. The most important thing is to weigh these factors against each other and decide whether it’s something that will work for you or your family. We encourage all parents to do their research thoroughly before enrolling in any type of class or program.

Combat sports insurance

5 Things to Consider Before Signing Up to Your First Martial Arts Gym

There’s a lot of excitement in the air when you’re signing up to your first martial arts gym. You have finally decided to start training and now you need to find a place where you can train regularly. A lot of people jump at the chance to sign up as soon as they can, but there are some things that should be considered before joining. We’ve put together this blog post with some important considerations so you can sign up for your first martial arts gym without any regrets.

What martial art do you want to train?

As you search for the right gym, it’s important to know what martial art is best for you and your goals. The first thing to consider is the overall popularity of martial arts in your area. Martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do and Judo are popular in many parts of the world, but if you live somewhere that has a high concentration of people who practice Shotokan Karate or BJJ instead, then this could be more beneficial for you than other styles. Each martial art style has its own benefits, so choose one that keeps you interested.

Do some research on different styles before signing up at any one school. You can find out which forms are popular in your area by searching online or asking friends who practice different forms if they know anyone else who trains at gyms nearby (and their opinions). This will give an idea about what’s available when choosing between schools—and whether there’s enough variety for everyone at each school – or just one style being taught over another?

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Personal goals

Before you sign up for a martial arts gym, it is important to take some time to consider your personal goals. There are many things that people get out of martial arts training, including:

  • Getting fit and healthy
  • Learning self defence
  • Building confidence in yourself and your abilities (this can lead to improved mental health)
  • Competing in competitions or tournaments (such as karate tournaments)
  • Losing weight or gaining muscle mass

The list goes on and on! By reflecting on the type of results you’d like from training in the martial arts, you’ll be able to narrow down the types of gyms best suited for meeting those needs.


The pricing structure of your martial arts gym should be a good fit for your budget. Ask about their pricing structure and if there are any special offers for first-time customers. It’s also wise to compare the price with other gyms in the area as well as considering how much time you will be spending on classes and what kind of membership you choose: whether it is monthly, yearly or linked to specific courses such as black belt training or weapon defense training. Martial arts gym memberships are usually more expensive than regular gym memberships as they are specialized in teaching self-defense skills and self-development rather than just fitness related activities like weights or aerobics classes.

Location and time

Location and time are two important factors to consider when signing up for a martial arts gym.

The location should be easy to get to, so you won’t have any issues getting there.

The time should be convenient for you, so that it fits your schedule and allows you enough time after work or school if necessary.

The location should be safe and secure, so that you feel comfortable when training in the evening hours or on weekends when most gyms are closed. It’s also ideal to find somewhere that’s not too far away from home.

And finally, the hours of operation should be flexible enough so that they can accommodate your busy lifestyle – whether it’s changing jobs or classes at school/college/university; finding a new place to live due to relocation; starting up a family with children; having an unexpected surgery or illness which requires recovery time off work…the list goes on!

Commitment Level

Do you want to learn a martial art for fun, or do you have a desire to be the best? Do you have time for this and are ready to commit? Are you willing to spend money on your training, or will it be on the cheap? What other things could get in the way of this being successful, such as work or family obligations? Consider all these factors before signing up at a gym so you get your moneys-worth from training. This will help you plan out a training regimen.

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It’s easy to get excited about signing up for a martial arts gym but there are some things you need to do first.

So, you’ve decided to sign up for martial arts. That’s great! But before you do, there are a few things that you need to consider first.

First off, do your research. Take some time to look at different styles of martial arts and see what interests you most. It might be a good idea to try out a class or two before deciding which gym is right for you.

Secondly, have a plan in mind as far as what your personal goals are when it comes to joining a martial arts gym. Are they financial? Do they involve fitness? Or maybe the desire is just more personal growth-related than anything else? Being able to articulate exactly why YOU want to start training martial arts will help guide the rest of the process (like choosing which school).

Thirdly, make sure that whatever MMA school or academy that ends up being right for YOU financially speaking can afford it too – because signing up with them means committing both time AND money!

So, there you have it. As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when choosing a martial arts gym. If you take the time to think through these points and ask questions of those around you who have experience in this area, you’re sure to find a great fit for yourself and your family.

Contact us today to find out how we can keep you protected in martial arts training and competitions. We provide cover for fighters, events, gyms, and more.