Tips for Starting Your Own MMA Gym

Tips for Starting Your Own MMA Gym

If you're a fan of mixed martial arts, or if you want to make money teaching MMA, then starting your own gym may be the right move for you. It can be a lot of work and require a lot of initial investment, but it can also pay off hugely in the long run. Before diving into starting your own MMA gym, here are some practical steps to take that will help ensure success:

The Location

Location is important for a number of reasons. First, it should be accessible to those who will be training there. If the gym is far away from your students' homes or workplaces, they may not feel comfortable making the trip on a regular basis. Additionally, if you're going to be doing MMA classes in your gym, it should be close enough that competitors can easily get there for tournaments or sparring matches.

Also keep in mind that a location should be easy for vendors (gear companies) and the press (local news stations) to reach as well.

Understanding the Business Model

Once you've decided on a location, it's time to think about the business model. A business model is the plan for how your gym will operate. It will include how you're going to get clients, what services/products you'll offer and how much money you need to make.

Understanding your target market and product or service is important in determining which type of MMA gym business model is right for you. If there are already other gyms in the area that cater specifically to women or children, perhaps they'd be willing to train at yours when they're not at their usual spot. But if there aren't many options nearby and everyone wants their own establishment, then maybe opening a full-service facility would work better than offering just one part of training (such as Muay Thai).


Insurance is important for protecting your business, employees, and students. It’s also important if you want to be able to use the gym as an event space, like for a birthday party or wedding.

The right insurance can help you cover the cost of lost wages and bodily injury claims from injuries that occur on your premises while someone is participating in a sport or exercise activity. It will also protect you if someone gets injured at a local MMA competition hosted at your gym.

Contact us at Combat Sports Insurance to speak to a team member about getting the right cover.


Licenses are important for your gym, as they show that you’re a legitimate business and can help prevent legal issues in the future. To get a license, you’ll need to fill out some paperwork related to your business and pay fees. You may also be required to provide proof of insurance coverage or other documents depending on the state and/or county where you plan on opening shop.

It usually takes several weeks or months for a license application to be processed by state officials, but there are ways around this time frame! If possible, try asking someone who works at the government agency that handles licensing in your area if they have any suggestions on how long it will take them to process an application like yours (they might even be able to tell you what kind of paperwork they expect).

The Equipment

Your equipment will depend on the type of classes you offer. A typical gym will have at least a boxing ring, heavy bags, speed bags and grappling mats for grappling/jiu jitsu; as well as a variety of weights and kettlebells for strength training.

You’ll need a sound system that can play music or even just white noise to help drown out your students’ grunts and groans. If possible, try to buy higher quality equipment: it will last longer (and look better) than cheaper options!

Hiring the Right Coaches and Staffing

When hiring for your gym, it’s important to look for people who are passionate about MMA and have experience in teaching it.

You want your coaches to be able to communicate effectively with members and help them achieve their goals of getting fit through training at your gym. You also want staff that can manage the day-to-day operations of running a business, marketing the gym, selling memberships and products, etc.

Finally, you need employees who are good at working with other people—this will allow them to take care of members while also keeping everyone on track as they pursue their goals in fitness or martial arts!

Marketing, Advertising, and Finding Students

The best way to grow your business is by marketing and advertising. You need to find students who want a martial arts training program.

The best place to find students is on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also go door-to-door in your neighbourhood handing out flyers or putting up posters in local businesses like grocery stores, gas stations, coffee shops or laundromats. Once you have some clients, they will tell their friends about you too!

Starting an MMA gym is a lot of work, but it can be satisfying.

As you prepare to open your own MMA gym, it's important to keep in mind that this is a big undertaking. While the concept of owning your own business can sound exciting and rewarding, there are many things that you should consider before getting started. If you want to succeed with your new gym, here are some tips:

  • Do your research. Be sure to do plenty of research on what competing businesses offer, as well as what customers want from their local gyms. A good start would be reading books about how to start a business, or checking out websites like [this], which have advice for starting any kind of company or organisation. You may also want to talk with people who have experience running their own establishments—even if they're not related directly with MMA—and see how they got started!
  • Write up a plan of action before making any final decisions about where and how much equipment will need purchased.


Starting an MMA gym is a lot of work, but it can be satisfying and rewarding. It requires planning and research, but your passion for martial arts will help keep you going through the difficult parts. Contact us for more information on starting a gym and getting the right cover for your business.


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