Whether it’s MMA fighting, Boxing, Kickboxing, BJJ, or any other combat sport / martial art, we’re here to find and provide the best insurance we can, both for an individual as well as gym owners, events, promotions etc.
Our sports insurance policies focus on providing the athlete or business owner peace of mind when it comes to sports full of action and intensity.
Contact us at any time for a Combat Sports Insurance quote.
Our Combat Sports Insurance policies are designed to cover the modern day combat sport athlete or business owner.
We have recently diversified our focus to include ALL forms of martial arts, from Olympic style sports such as Boxing and Taekwondo, through to US and Federation Sport combat sports such as MMA and Kickboxing.
We also offer cover for Gym owners and businesses that support these sports, such as promotions companies and federations.
We aim to provide flexible cover including; Training Accident, Fight Injury, Competition Medical and much more!
At Combat Sports Insurance, we've been trying to narrow down the focus to provide insurance for specific sports and combat arts.
We aim to work with as many fighters and sport / martial art-related businesses as possible and cover everything from MMA fighting, Boxing, Kickboxing, BJJ, Taekwondo, and kickboxing.
Our team works on providing the best policies at reasonable prices so that every fighter or business owner gets some peace of mind while they do what they love.